
Double Under Wonder Deck

If you've been cooped up by quarantine, working from home, or locked out of your gym, we feel your pain.

We felt like doing something to brighten lonely days, relieve stress, and keep people on track with their fitness goals, so we designed these cards!

How To Play

There are 3 easy ways to play...

1. Play Cards.

  • Surely you've played some sort of card game before, right? You can do that with these.

2. Play our functional fitness version of "Go Fish."

  • Don't worry if you're fuzzy on the rules for Go-Fish. (instructions are included)

3. Use these cards to generate random workouts!

  • Shuffle the Double Under Wonder Deck.

  • Decide how long you would like to work out.

  • Set a timer for the desired workout duration, and start flipping over cards.

  • Complete the prescribed number of reps on each card before moving on to the next exercise.

  • See how many cards you can get through before the timer ends!

Game Notes

  • Make sure you have a good working knowledge of each exercise, and complete the movements with good form.

  • Make sure you are cleared by your doctor to participate in high intensity exercise.

  • You may substitute 5 burpees for any movement that is too advanced for you to complete safely.