
Jump Rope Workout - Tara John

  • 1 min read

Fitness you can actually fit in!  Let us give you some ideas for quick jump rope workouts you can do anywhere.  If you need a jump rope, just click the button at the end of this exercise video!

Today we'll visit with Tara John.  She's a busy mom, A CrossFit certified trainer, and an incredibly fit human.

She'll give us one actionable fitness tip, and we'll do a quick fat-burning jump rope workout together. Make sure to search "Double Under Wonder" in iTunes for the audio podcast if you'd like to just hear the audio cues for the fat-burning jump rope workout and come back here if you'd like to follow along with the exercise video to see form and watch the workout demo.

    Todays workout is...

    12 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

    30 double unders

    20 air squats

    10 Push-ups

For a super fast (and super-fun) jump rope, click the button below, and start designing!
