
Episode #7 Sarah Martinez (part 2)

  • 1 min read

A couple things I'll mention about this episode...

1. We filmed this a long time ago to have an episode "in the can" so to speak, and I can already notice an improvement in my double-unders by doing these short workouts every week.  Add one of these workouts in here and there, and you're going to be doing GREAT in no time!

2. If you've never filmed yourself working out, I highly recommend it. It will help you see that you occasionally have sagging push ups, short air squats, or any other number of poorly performed movements. If you don't know about it, you can't fix it, so set up a photo shoot of your own very soon. Even if it's for your eyes only.

Have a great day!

P.S.  If you need a rope, you can get one here: