
How to get better at rowing in under 7 minutes...

  • 2 min read

For the longest time my Box didn't have any rowers, so when we finally got a few, I was SUPER excited to try them out.

I'm tall, I'm good at pulling exercises, and I LOVE met-cons, so I just KNEW rowing was going to be a strength for me.

Unfortunately, the first few times I tried rowing, I was below average at best.  I should know by now that pretty much everything in CrossFit will slap your ego, and make you feel like a sissy at first, but for some reason I was completely shocked at how bad I was on a rower.

"This is a problem for the internet!"  I said to myself as I started googling things like "how to improve rowing machine technique" and "indoor rowing technique".

My tireless 2-minute web search led me to this indoor rowing technique video, and I kid you not, I went from terrible, to above average in a couple of workouts just by keeping Shane's advice in mind while I was rowing...

Will it work for you?  Maybe.  I really have no idea, but it was so valuable to me that I wanted to share it with everyone (who doesn't attend my box).  I hope this video will help you become the rowing master you were meant to be.

I might also add that even though I've improved my rowing technique, I still hate it a little bit...which is why we made this Tank-Top...(caution:  does not rhyme)



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