
Fran Pie Chart...

Fran was one of the first workouts I ever completed as prescribed, and in the beginning, I was always excited to see it come up. Sure it was miserable, but every time I suffered through it, I would see massive PRs.

Now Fran just conjures up anxiety. I know where I'll have to push myself physically to do it faster each time, and it's about all I can do to drive myself to the gym when I know it's on the whiteboard.

Someone once said that if you don't get nervous before you workout, you're probably not working out hard enough.  I must be doing something right, because this is what a typical Fran WOD looks like for me...

For me, Fran just sends me into a mental tail spin.  For you, it might be a different WOD, but for everyone out there who is nervously avoiding the inevitable call of 3...2...1...
This tank-top is for you...

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