
5 Reasons To Own your Own Jump Rope

  • 2 min read


1.  Consistency...

Tiger woods doesn't go around borrowing drivers from other golfers...Roger Federer doesn't show up to the US Open, and borrow a tennis racquet.

When you use the same equipment every time you attempt to jump rope, your body is able to concentrate on being accurate, instead of interpreting variations.

Every time you pick up your rope, you'll want it to be the same length, the same speed, the same weight...etc.  Anything else will slow down the learning process.

2.  Excitement...

I don't think I've ever heard someone say..."I can't wait to get to the gym to try double-unders with a random loaner rope!"  We do however hear things like:  "I can't wait to get to the gym today, and try out my new custom speed rope!"

Here's the bottom line: A custom speed rope leads to more excitement which leads to more practice, which leads to more learning.

3.  Commitment...

Purchasing your rope is kind of like saying..."OK...I'm in."...I'm committed to this program...I'm serious about improving my skills...I'll be here tomorrow....etc.

There's something special about buying a piece of gear.  It's like saying out loud that you're going to bring your A-Game.

4.  The Placebo Effect...

When I was a kid, I would try on new shoes, and run around in them to see how fast they were.  Were the shoes really "faster?"  No.  Did my excitement, optimism, and confidence probably make me run faster?  Yes.

The same is true of a new jump rope.  Some people have been slapped by so many jump ropes that just having an optimistic view, and a little extra confidence, is all they need to catch some traction and start stringing together some double-unders.

5.  Self Expression...

Do you NEED a jump rope with lightning bolts or polka dots on it to do double-unders?  No. Of course not.

On the other hand...

A jump rope is one of the few things you'll need to buy for yourself at your gym.  Everything else belongs to everyone...and it all looks the same.  Shouldn't your jump rope say something about you?  Shouldn't it be just your style?  Shouldn't people look at your rope, and know exactly who it belongs to?

We thought so too...which is why we made these :)

Click below to design the PERFECT jump rope!