
Have You Been Lying to Yourself About CrossFit?

  • 3 min read

I've been thinking a lot about how CrossFit will always tell you the truth about your fitness level, but more on that later. (I promise to eventually get there)

First some context...

I noticed the other day that there was a black, crudely drawn smiley face marring the exterior of our white, master bathroom door.

When I asked the most likely suspect (my 5 year old son) if he knew anything about it, he shrugged, shook his head, and said "no...I don't know anything about that..."

At this point, I explained that lying was a REALLY big deal and that pleading guilty in our house would always earn him a reduced sentence.

We finally arrived at the truth.  He had been playing with a rubber mallet out of our tool shed, and had "shut" the bathroom door with it.  Upon noticing the neat little black smudge it left on the door, he proceeded to use the mallet to etch out a (super creepy) smiley face, and then walk away as if nothing had happened.

These are the sorts of things that make you worry about your kids.  Why are they so destructive?  Why would they lie about a crime they obviously committed?  What sort of public menace will they grow up to be?

But then I start remembering the similar things I did as a child.

For example...

In the 3rd grade I mixed up a ketchup based version of "fake blood" in the bathroom sink, and left my mess behind in all it's gruesome glory.  When my mother confronted me about my creation, I denied involvement.  My evasive action proved ineffective considering the fact that all my siblings had been gone all day.

Just like I did with my son, my mother explained to me that the more I lied about my transgressions, the more trouble I would be in.

Here's where these lessons translate to CrossFit...

The more we lie to ourselves about CrossFit, the harsher the consequences will be when we attempt our most challenging WODs.

Today our box programmed the "Bear Complex."  I hadn't done it since November of 2015.  I've also been skipping out on strength work, so when I set up my barbell, these are the lies I was telling with my actions...

- I'm stronger than I was a few months ago.

- I can set a new PR.

- Dodging strength workouts hasn't had an impact on my fitness.

Fortunately, CrossFit doesn't allow me to lie to myself.  At the end of the day, my barbell said...

- Sorry, that's not true.  You're weaker than you were a few months ago. 

- You can't hit a new PR today. 

- You haven't been here enough.

Let me encourage you to seek the truth about your weaknesses as often as possible.

Your barbell will give it to you straight, and the more you muster up the courage to face reality, the more your sentence will be reduced.

Of course we all know this.  I'm not saying anything earth shattering here when I tell you that lying to yourself is bad, and that you get in better shape when you actually go to the gym.

On the other hand, just like my shifty-eyed door-vandalizing 5 year old, I think we all need to be reminded to be honest about what's going on occasionally :)

See you at the box for a hefty dose of truth!

Oh, and if you feel like spanking yourself for avoiding double-unders, one of our fancy custom ropes should do the trick :)

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