

Medieval armor weighed anywhere between 20-60 lbs depending on how in-depth it was, so I can imagine her absolutely killing any WOD that requires a weighted vest.
  • 3 min read
At the front of the class, you'll see a trainer.  Do not listen to anything this person says.  
  • 4 min read

There are a number of exercises and WODs in your repertoire of nightmare-inducing workouts that might be a little more appealing if you changed their names. I present just a few here for your consideration:

When I have those days where I have to skip a workout, I like to play a game in my head where I make up pretend CrossFit workouts for all the other important stuff I did. Then I feel a little better about not hitting the box...
Sometimes additions to the island are good. Sometimes additions to the island are a total disaster, but whether something belongs, or doesn't belong isn't really the point. 
  • 2 min read